When a golfer is setting up his or her swing (the address phase), they always take a few seconds to place the club head behind the ball while moving each foot to the most comfortable position for base support. During the swing phase, stress on the feet includes all 3 planes, with eversion, inversion, as well as plantar and dorsiflexion, all while rocking from one foot to the other. These motions of the feet cause medial and lateral rotation of the lower and upper legs, torsion at the knees & hips, and a flurry of actions in the vertebrae between the hips and head. Add to that, the torque on the shoulders, elbows, wrists and hands. As simple as it may "falsely" appear, the golf swing leaves no part of our kinetic chain unused.
We know that posture controls function and posture begins at the bottom or base. Properly supporting your base (feet) will minimize unwanted rotation of your lower leg. A foot that overpronates or pronates too quickly can result in excessive internal rotation of the lower leg at a phase in the swing that you actually want to maintain external rotation. Properly supporting the medial longitudinal, lateral longitudinal, and transverse arches of the feet can help avoid this from occurring, resulting in proper function of the lower leg, knee and upper leg (your lower body). Proper function of your lower body results in good form and this good form leads to ideal posture of the hips. With good hip posture and function, the spine is placed in the most ideal situation for efficient form. If, on the other hand, an ideal posture is not created at the base (feet), the spine will be forced to overcome the poor function and form of the lower body. Most golfers will take between 3-5 practice swings before teeing off or hitting from the fairway (rough or hazard). That means if you shoot in the 80's and 2 putt most greens you would take between 150-250 swings per round and that doesn't include warming up on the practice range. That's an extreme amount of inappropriate stress on the spine do to a faulty kinetic chain.
Plus, the golfer walks on the average of 5 miles during a round. Combined with changes in terrain, and standing time, fatigue plays a major role in maintaining go
Sole Supports orthotics are casted in a 5 step MASS Posture (Maximum Arch Supination Stabilization) process to allow a footprint that captures the true medial longitudinal arch, lateral longitudinal arch and transverse arch of the foot. Therefore, a MASS Posture orthotic offers full contact with the foot at all times. What does this mean? It means that there is no lapse in support, unlike other orthotics. With Sole Supports weight and activity based calibration system, the orthotic will assist (not stop) the biomechanics of the foot within the shoe. What it won't do is offer a lapse in support/contact resulting in impact friction between the foot and the device.
The Sole Supports orthotic creates the ultimate posture for the golfer's foot inside the shoe, without any wasted movement. This ideal posture allows the athlete to function efficiently resulting in proper form throughout the kinetic chain. Again, Sole Supports offers a full contact and weight calibrated orthotic in every phase of the golfers motion.
What also must not be forgotten is that while the athlete hones their skills and physically stresses their body while on the range, course or cross training, improvement comes during the rest cycles. When the athlete is not practicing, they are resting. Perfect posture during the rest period leads to proper function and form throughout the kinetic chain. To enhance your athletes recovery and promote performance, be sure to check out our Pro Set for Maximum Performance.