When being prescribed an orthotic, the patient must understand the reason for the prescription and how the orthotic will improve their life. Sole Support orthotics are designed to return the patient to their most natural gate path and posture (natural foot motion as you walk and stand) while correcting any abnormalities. It is important to make sure the orthotic is customized not only to the patient's foot but also to the shoe they plan to wear during the major part of the day (dress shoe, work boot, casual shoe).

Sole Support orthotics correct the posture of the foot, allowing for proper function of the foot and the biomechanics of the leg and lower back. This improved posture and function leads to the body developing and maintaining proper form. When the patient changes from one pair of shoes to another, it is important to transfer the orthotics from shoe to shoe. In some cases, due to the extreme change in shoe style, this is not possible and a second pair of orthotics may be required. Not wearing the orthotic during extended periods of times can over stress the feet and undermine the value of wearing it at other times.

Sole Supports orthotics are casted in a 5 step MASS Posture (Maximum Arch Supination Stabilization) process to allow a footprint that captures the true longitudinal arch, lateral arch and transverse arch of the foot. Therefore, a MASS Posture orthotic offers full contact with the foot, both weight bearing and non- weight bearing. What does this mean? It means that there is no lapse in support, unlike other orthotics. With Sole Supports weight and activity based calibration system, the orthotic will assist (not stop) the biomechanics of the foot within the shoe. What it won’t do is offer a lapse in support/contact resulting in impact friction between the foot and the device.

The Sole Supports orthotic creates the ultimate posture for the patients foot inside the shoe, without any wasted movement. This ideal posture allows the patient to function efficiently resulting in proper form in all seated, standing and mobile situations. Again, Sole Supports offers a full contact and weight calibrated orthotic in every phase of the patients daily activity.

In addition, Sole Supports offers an option to increase the support of the orthotic by adding a Leaf. By adding a Leaf (30, 50 and 100 pound increments) under the medial arch of the orthotic, the patient is prepared to effectively exert forces above and beyond their body weight while maintaining correct posture of the foot. This is of particular value for the patient who participates in extracurricular activities that place more stress on the body and feet.

Sole Supports offers a number of options to customize an orthotic as well as a variety of orthotic designed options.